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Sunday, January 8, 2023
video 1798 we built this thing which is
our Thunderbolt wind turbine now it is
in fact a new grinsky Serpentine turbine
but we're calling it a Thunderball
because of the bulk construction and it
does so well whenever you do something
like this the first thing you get asked
is okay so what is its output and
everyone really said but I'm going to
tell you right now the output of this
little machine that we built for peanuts
is a kilowatt hour and I'm quite proud
of that the output is one kilowatt hour
in case you didn't hear me one kilowatt
hour is the output foot of this machine
now you might think I'm a little mad by
saying that because it's bolts and wire
and something that I've printed up and
you could make it out of bean cans if
you want and to a degree I am a little
bit mad but have a look at this this is
a Chinese wind turbine and you can see
in bright bold red it is a two kilowatt
hour turbine for only a thousand pounds
rather than stand by itself there's
quite a lot of these on eBay actually
and being sold all over the place this
has been up a week it's stopped four to
seven they've sold three of them so
they're selling them hand over fist at
two kilowatt hours and they could make a
kilowatt hour for next to nothing but
they're selling these at two kilowatt
hour now you might think oh hey that's a
Chinese product but what about this one
this is an all British product and it is
a one kilowatt hour turbine and you can
see that it is one kilowatt hour the
Chinese version is two kilowatt hour and
my version is one kilowatt hour and I'm
answering the question you asked what is
the output well that's the output
I am however and you may be well aware
of this I'm lying to you I'm lying to
you in a completely truthful way I'm
lying to you because I'm answering the
question you asked but of course I'm not
giving you all the information you need
and I'm doing it in exactly the same way
that the Chinese one did and I'm doing
it in exactly the same way as the
British one did all of the wind industry
does this don't do it because they're
horrible sneaky people trying to rob you
of your books they do it because
everybody everybody asks how much does
it output and they don't think about it
they just ask that question they get
told the answer and they go oh hey well
it does have two kilowatts on the box
I'd better buy it there's gonna be an
awful lot of disappointed people and if
you make this and expect a kilowatt hour
out of it you're probably going to be
disappointed too but again you only
there's a kilowatt hour wind turbine as
that one is genuinely a two kilowatt
hour and this one is genuinely
a one kilowatt hour wind turbine that's
the output what you're missing is the
you don't know what the input wind speed
is now you can get the input wind speeds
because they tell you about this stuff
they tell you that the rated wind speed
of this one is 11 meters per second down
this one is 12.5 meters per second and
we can calculate from the area what the
output will be at that given wind speed
so if we take this one the Chinese one
we look at the height and diameter of it
and we go to a calculator and my
favorite is Omni calculator and we put
those dimensions in with that wind speed
we'll find that the energy contending
the wind is in fact only 800 watts
and that seems like a huge disparity
does it not because you forget you think
that a wind turbine outputs power and it
a wind turbine converts wind energy into
rotary energy into electrical energy the
wind turbine doesn't make anything it
converts things and so when you realize
then you ask the question okay how much
input can it actually have and then how
efficient is it converting it now it
turns out most wind turbines actually
around about 30 efficient that makes
sense if you think about it because of
course you've got the bets limit which
is uh what 59.3 percent more or less 60
to only 60 of the wind energy at most
can be pulled out of a blowing wind so
they're never going to be more than 59.3
division then we've got other losses
involved so it turns out that the
conversion of the available wind energy
to electrical energy is round about 30
percent even if the turbine itself is 80
90 efficient the overall conversion is
going to be around about 30 percent
efficient or so for just about every
wind turbine there is
that means we don't get a lot out so if
we put those dimensions in at that wind
speed we know that it's going to be
about 800 watts available and the output
is going to be about 230 Watts or so
that seems terribly disappointing and
the same is actually true for every
single wind turbine there's a slightly
different trick played on you though
because if we look at the volticon wind
turbine and we put those figures in
blade length and wind speed because it's
a hawt and we see that they read theirs
at 12.5 meters per second that actually
is round about an output of a kilowatt
so we're getting in the British version
and an output that seems reasonable
really the Chinese version then we're
getting a ludicrous output but you've
got to ask yourself what do these simple
figures actually mean because they're
usually quarter to meters per second
that's how you could raise and the
quarter millimeters sorry meters per
second and that's because the number is
smaller that's it you're just reading a
smaller number what does 11 and 12.5
meters per second mean well there's a
scale available called the Beaufort
scale and the Beaufort scale will tell
you that 12.5 meters per second is in
fact 28 miles per hour or 25 knots if
you look at up on the scale you see
there is in fact near Gale conditions so
on the British one which is the 12.5
meters per second we will get their
rated output if we take that wind
turbine out in near Gale we have to have
a gale blowing before it will actually
output what it says it is now management
speed in the UK and it is a UK company
it's something like I I think it's 3.8
no 7.8 knots which is 3.9 meters per
second now 3.9 meters per second that
wind turbine that proudly tells you is a
kilowatt is in fact going to produce
about 200 Watts or so
they're allowed to say it's a kilowatt
hour wind turbine because I haven't told
you what the input is and it's
completely permissible because if you
put in a near Gale you'll get a kilowatt
hour out awesome so it's a kilowatt hour
turbine on the other one the Chinese one
if we calculate those figures we can see
what we have in fact what we need to get
two kilowatts out of that turbine is to
put it in wind conditions of violent
storm violent storm is the one less than
the hurricane so we take that wind
turbine out into a violent storm we'll
get two kilowatt hours so it's kind of
the truth the output is two kilowatts
the Apple D is one kilowatts the output
is one kilowatt it's kind of the truth
but it's half a truth because I haven't
told you what the input is maybe the
input is um in the Chinese condition
violent storm in the UK near Gale and
for mine hurricane then we will get
those kind of outputs they're only there
to me okay how much is that output oh
it's a kilowatt hour it hurt again
I just missed that input bit off and
you've got yourself a kilowatt hour
generator you might think that's a real
trick and it is a real trick but it is a
completely permissible trick that
pervades the entire wind industry
whether it's from China Britain or
America doesn't matter they're all doing
the same thing they're telling you these
wind speeds in meters per second because
it's nice and low
they're not telling you what the
Beaufort scale actually means what that
wind speed actually is and they work out
the output from a wind speed that
basically suits them so they can put it
on the box and all of that is true
completely true completely permissible
completely allowed and people buy it
hand over fist like I said they don't do
this because they're horrible people
they do this because they're answering
the question we all ask
how much does it output well that's a
kilowatt hour
I've just told you both the truth and
the lie in the same breath
if I miss out the input
then you're not going to know if you go
about products you won't ask that
normally people on the on YouTube do ask
that ask that question and say you know
okay so what's the input but
surprisingly enough when it comes to
buying this thing nobody actually asks
that question and you know that because
these things sell people are buying this
based on what is printed on the box when
it's pretty obvious to see from the
dimensions in a quick calculator then in
fact it couldn't possibly do that unless
you stick it in a hurricane
so they're telling you the truth
but only half a truth and that half
truth is getting you to buy into these
things because you're being told what
you've been asked and you do that
because you think that these things make
electricity they don't make electricity
they convert wind energy into mechanical
energy and mechanical energy into
electricity they're not producing
they're converting so it might seem like
a bit of a hair split to you but
actually that hair splitting makes a
very big difference in how you see these
things and then how confusing their mind
be if you see it as a converter as
instead of a producer you're bound to
ask the question okay how much is it
being put in and how efficient are they
at converting it to the out and those
are the correct questions to ask of any
wind turbine how much does it output
really just show those
you don't know what you're asking and I
hate to be rude about that you don't
anyway hopefully that helped clear up
some of the um
confusion let's be kind let's call it
confusion yes hopefully that clears up
some of the confusions about wind
turbines and what it means when they say
a two kilowatt a one kilowatt or a one
kilowatt turbine hope you enjoyed the
video hope it helped thank you very much
for watching and please do remember to
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foreign video 1798 we built this thing which is our Thunderbolt wind turbine now it is in fact a new grinsky Serpentine turbine but we'r...
foreign video 1798 we built this thing which is our Thunderbolt wind turbine now it is in fact a new grinsky Serpentine turbine but we'r...